
Codename Ganymed book 1 - english version soon available

Stefan Burban • 10. Februar 2025

The Fallen Empire Stand-Alone-Spin-Off "Codename Ganymed Book 1: Beyond Good and Evil soon available 

in english version as Ebook and Audiobook.

The war against the genocidal Nefraltiri and their slave armies ended seven years ago with the Battle of the Rift. Since then, humanity has been busy cleaning up. The Hinrady clans have spread across a number of worlds depopulated by the war. Their illegal settlements continue to threaten human and Drizil systems and shipping.The Terran Republican League is conducting several operations to drive the Hinrady out of their hiding places. At the same time, the Republic is preparing for a political upheaval. President Mason Ackland is stepping down and leaving the field to a potential successor.Preparations for the presidential elections are in full swing. The three candidates are setting off on a tour of the Republic, protected by units of the Shadow Legion and the 21st Irregular Legion. But a serious attack occurs at the first stop. And the legionaries of the 21st Legion suddenly find themselves at the center of an interstellar conspiracy...

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